#028 - Review the Review: Tame Impala's The Slow Rush, A Pause on Vinyl, Robbie Robertson

We’re all into the new Tame Impala album and Greg thought, in lieu of listening to us collectively praise the album, we’d instead weigh in on the Pitchfork review. It’s a new segment we’re calling “Review the Review”, kind of an editorial-panel-judge style discussion with game show sound effects. Pitchfork gave the album an 8 out of 10, but how does the review rate? [Pitchfork]

A fire at a California manufacturing facility earlier in the month has been characterized as 'devastating' to the worldwide vinyl record industry. Jay brings us the details and we discuss why vinyl still matters. [Pitchfork]

Nick's heard of Robbie Robertson but hasn't ever given the Canadian pioneer of Americana rock a solid listen. Jay & Greg bring him up to speed and give some suggestions on what to check out from his 50+ years of making music. [Rolling Stone]


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#029 - Sad Hats Off! Rage Against Rage, Wisdom from Sonny Rollins, Primus's Farewell To Kings Set


#027 - Is This Thing On? - Robert Fripp Reflects On His Genre, Prog Rock Lyrics Quiz