#034 - Albums To Bring Into Self-Isolation

It’s been another crazy week and we’re all still absorbing the new reality that we find ourselves in, so we each decided to pick albums that we’ve turned to for respite during this collective period of self-isolation. Some of the albums we recommend playing out loud, alone or otherwise; they seem to brighten a room just enough to help, but not so much that you’re required to forget all of this to enjoy them. A couple are intended to provide an escape & should be listened to with headphones. The remaining are for reflection and may require repeat listens before you feel like you’ve heard everything there is to hear; in some ways, this is the point. Anyway, all that aside, we had a blast going through these and hope you enjoy them too!

We also learned this week that John Prine is in critical condition with the Coronavirus. He’s one of, at the time of this writing, roughly nine hundred thirty thousand people who have contracted the virus. For Jay this news hit pretty hard. John Prine is the soundtrack to some of Jay’s earliest memories…those ones where, you’re 8 years old and and you hear a song on the car radio and you it hits you that this is the song that Dad (or Mom) has been singing around the house since, well, forever… and then, years later you come to a bigger realization; that there’s so much more to this artist’s music that you never heard as a kid and you begin re-listening and…hopefully you get the picture. We listen to a few of Jay’s favorites to close out the show and sincerely hope that Mr. Prine, and everyone else suffering with this, recovers fully and quickly.

We hope everyone is safe and doing well. If you’d like to come on the show and share music that you’ve been listening to, please contact us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


#035 - YSCIO Special: Brother, Brother, Brother


#033 - Tag The Track, Supporting Music Professionals, Daniel Lanois