#268 Record Sales | The Congressional Record | Frankie Miller

Nick has a new game for us this week. Jay & Greg have to choose which of two artists had “Record Sales” in the past 30 days. The tricky part is that the list is based on sales from a used vinyl store in the UK (https://eil.com/features/topartistspage.asp).

Song: Vulfmon & Evangeline - “Got To Be Mine”

Next up, Greg recaps the his experience performing at The Congressional Record with elected members of the house and senate last week. 


  • The Congressional Record - “Let It Be”

  • Astromax - “Treasure Island”

Jay is still playing around LastFM and just discovered Scottish rock singer, Frankie Miller. We believe the algorithm has learned that Jay is a sucker for the ‘artist that suffered a major health event requiring more famous artists to contribute to their benefit album’ genre.


  • Frankie Miller - “Play Something Sweet (Brickyard Blues)”

  • Frankie Miller - “Shoo-rah”

  • Frankie Miller & Elton  John- “Where Did the Guilty Go”


#269 - Reborn Project | Kris Kristofferson | News with Nick


#267 - Guess the Guest | News with Nick | Hot Topical: Jane’s Addiction