#048 - Albums - How To Listen | They Said What? | And Why?

We deeply love & have a profound respect for the album as a form. It’s why we started this show, our initial plan being that we’d discuss a new album each episode; so this week, we’re talking about albums.

Greg kicks things off with a “How To” discussion. Most albums take months, even years to create, so what’s the best way to consume them? Inspired by the recent LA Times piece The Art of the Deep Listen, we dive right in for a lively discussion.
Song: Thundercat - I Love Louis Cole

Jay takes us down memory lane for a vintage edition of “Review the Review” to discuss some epic fails over the years from Rolling Stones. This got Jay Pitchfork-angry & the lively discussion continued. [Rolling Stone] [Reel Harmonies].
Song: Cory Wong - Golden

Nick closes us out with an open question, “Will albums last as a form?” To this, we embark on an extensive and exuberant conversation (it seemed like using ‘lively conversation’ again would have been overkill, but we’re bringing a lot of energy to this one folks 😉).
Song: The Dirty Projectors - Self-Design


#049 - Albums - First Rose of Spring | Rough & Rowdy Ways | Homegrown


#047 - Sonny Rollins Redux, They’re Better Live, NERD ALERT!